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Elisabetta Oddone

Elisabetta Oddone Milan 1878 – 1972
Singer and composer. She trained her mezzo-soprano voice under the guidance of her mother and studied counterpoint and composition at the Conservatory in Milan with G. Coronaro. She composed: quartets for piano, violin, viola, and cello; a suite for small orchestra; La capanna ardente, a mystery in three parts (Milan, Manzoni, 1917); A gara con le rondini, an opera (Milan, Lirico, 1920); Pietruccio e il cavolo cappuccio, a musical fairy tale for children (Manzoni, 1916); Flemma e furia, a musical fairy tale for puppets (Milan, Palazzo del Cova, 1920); La lezione di Meo, another musical fairy tale performed on May 2, 1935, at the Politeama Casalese by children from our schools.

Rosa di macchia, a lyric poem, was awarded and performed by the author at social concerts in 1908; La montanina, another lyric poem; Canti pistoiesi, for voice and piano, published by Ricordi in Milan; Canzoncine per bimbe, published by the same; numerous romances, among which Motivo primaverile, Notturno, Prime margheritine, Lo sono stanca, Frammento, etc. With the types from the Graphic Arts of Bergamo, she also published volumes of Cantilene popolari dei bimbi d’Italia; in collaboration with the “Fratelli d’Italia” Association, she published volumes of the Canzoniere popolare italiano from 1918; in 1921, she published a biographical volume on Gaetano Coronaro in collaboration with Ausonia of Rome; monographs, biographies, historical articles, and folklore interest.

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